Vocational Testing

Vocational testing, also known as career tests or vocational assessments, are used to assess and identify an individual’s current transferable skills and interests, determine suitable work options, strengths & barriers to employment, and exploring career pathways.

A vocational assessment can be beneficial for:

  • Injured workers looking to return to the workforce
  • Students who are unsure about their first career step, be it to work, university or TAFE
  • Workers looking for advanced placements and promotions
  • Workers planning their next career move.
Vocational testing


A vocational test or vocational assessment is used to analyse and assess an individuals skills and experience, work interests and determine suitable vocations based on the current employment needs and what the individual is capable of physically and psychologically.

A Vocational Test/Assessment is conducted in order to determine an individual’s skills, knowledge, and aptitude in a variety of areas, with the purpose of identifying and determining their level of functioning in their job, and future decision-making around employment.

The Vocational Assessment will include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • A thorough psychosocial history
  • Standard testing using standardised assessment tools
  • Review of current functioning, transferable skills, issues, challenges, etc.
  • Review of past and current employment
  • Review of environmental factors
  • Review of personality traits
  • Review of current labour market 
  • Reporting and feedback.

Mind Health also offers vocational counselling for individuals who would like assistance with career direction upon completion of their assessment. 


Vocational assessments are run over five to six 50 minute sessions. Sessions include an interview on educational and occupational history, vocational tests focusing on career interest and work preferences, and a detailed report outlining and explaining all results. 

Note: Additional time/fees may be incurred for detailed labour market research and/or other psychological testing e.g. IQ, personality and/or aptitude tests, when requested.

Included sessions:

  • Interview (1-2 sessions)
  • Vocational testing (2-3 sessions)
  • Transferable Skills Analysis (1 session)
  • Labour Market Analysis (1-2 sessions)
  • Report preparation (1-2 sessions)
  • Feedback (1 session) 

Fee: $1400 + GST


Following is an outline of validated vocational tests provided by Mind Health: