Primary Mental Health Care (PMHC) Services In Western Sydney

NO GAP Mental Health Services

The PMHC (formerly ATAPS) program gives access to effective, short-term, focused psychological strategies services to vulnerable groups experiencing common mental health issues who may otherwise have difficulty in accessing mental health treatment.

Through PMHC, patients are currently eligible for up to 12 sessions per calendar year at no cost.

Mind Health are commissioned to provide PMHC services within the Western Sydney (WentWest) region.

PMHC Primary Mental Health Care


What is Primary Mental Health Care (PMHC)?

Through the Primary Mental Health Care (PMHC) service, financially disadvantaged clients who hold a Healthcare Card or considered to be from a  vulnerable group, can receive up to 12 psychology sessions per calendar year at no cost.

The services are geared to clients with mild to moderate mental illness. A Mental Health Treatment Plan is required and progress reports are reviewed by the referring GP every 6 sessions.

Patients can access the Medicare Better Access initiative and PMHC in the same year.

Types of Services

A range of services are available for people who meet the eligiblity requirements:

  • General psychological treatment
  • People at risk of suicide or self harm
  • Child and youth services
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Perinatal services
  • Alcohol and other drug use
  • Priority services are available for people at risk of suicide.

Who is eligible?

PHN Western Sydney PMHC ATAPS

Patients who reside in the Western Sydney (WentWest) Primary Health Network (PHN) and:

  • Are low income earners or experiencing financial hardship
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • People at risk of suicide
  • Women with perinatal depression and anxiety
  • Children (up to 12 years) and young people (13 – 25 year old)
  • Elderly People
  • People who identify as LGBTIQ
  • People from CaLD backgrounds including refugees and asylum seekers

Referral Eligibility

Clients will only be eligible if the following conditions are met:

  • Must live in Western Sydney
  • Primary Health Network Region
  • Health Care Card
  • Mental Health Care Plan along with a referral (unless they have a Suicide Prevention Referral)
  • Completed and signed referral form by the GP

How to Refer

GPs can refer eligible patients by completing the PMHC referral form which must include the patient’s signed consent.

Download and complete the attached form to refer to Mind Health:

One of the following supporting documentation needs to be submitted with the PMHC referral:

  • Mental Health Treatment/Care Plan (MBS 2700, 2701, 2715 and 2717)
  • K10 or K5 or
  • SDQ for children

Submit the referral form and Mental Health Treatment/Care Plan, K10, K5 or SDQ directly to WentWest via HealthLink (Electronic Data Interchange: wntwstmh), secure fax number 8208 9941 or contact the WentWest Mental Health team at for other secure messaging options.

All referrals are triaged by a clinical or senior psychologist to determine eligibility and an appropriate service provider.

PMHC Referral Process


GP completes PMHC Referral Form (see above) along with a Mental Health Plan.

Once the referral is processed, the referral information will be forwarded to the psychologist and the client will receive a call to arrange an appointment.
After 6 sessions, the psychologist will send the referring GP a progress report and a recommendation for further sessions (if appropriate).

The GP is required to sign the progress report and return to the PMHC team for an additional five sessions to be approved.
After 12 sessions, the psychologist will submit a final report to the GP or request an additional five sessions, if required for exceptional circumstances.

For more information about the PMHC program, contact

Mind Health on 1300 084 200 or email